Wall and Exercise Ball Workout!

This morning while lying in my nice warm bed I began my morning ritual of checking out Pintrest.  Cruising through all the pins of caramel brownie bacon cakes with extra bacon added, Chevron painting Ideas (I thought that was a gas company), and R2D2 Mittens (I totally want a pair) I discovered this little gem!  I looked at the clock and thought….hmm 5:30 a.m.? Not too early to get up and get moving.  I can do a quick, easy workout and take a shower and have plenty of time to shower, put on makeup, throw in my contacts, do my hair, make breakfast and be a super mom!  Or I can turn off my phone, roll over, and go back to sleep in my nice warm bed.  My newly blown up exercise ball was calling my name from the bathtub (don’t ask!) and so at last I got out of bed.

Exercise ball back stretch

My exercise ball was nice and cold from its overnight stay in the bathtub.  I warmed up with a 1 minute back stretches, mostly because I wasn’t quiet awake.


Push ups with exercise ball

As the cold began to seep into my back, I rolled over and 20 push ups with the exercise ball.  Starting with your bell on the ball, walk yourself out with your arms until your lower legs are supported.  Take a moment to balance yourself.  Lower yourself down, bending your elbows.  Return to the start position by straightening your arms.  I love these because you have to use your core muscles to maintain your balance on the ball.  Thus, I find myself squeezing those core muscles as I lower myself towards the ground.

Leg Lifts

I finished the exercise ball routine off with a leg lift move I think I may have invented this morning (after searching for an image to share I found out I am not that cleaver).  Basically after my push ups I rolled back onto my belly, lowered my arms onto the floor.  With my weight resting on my forearms and the ball under my belly I raised both legs.  I kept them raised for 30 seconds and then returned to a start position.  I did three reps of these.


Wall Bridge

Then I moved on to the exercises I discovered on Pintrest.  After looking at the pictures and reading the description of these wall exercise that do NOT involve squats, I said piece of cake!  Well that piece of cake will really show you how you really should stop eating so much cake!  These compose five exercises. You do 10 slow, CONTROLLED reps of each move.  Start the wall bridge.  Lie on back with butt against wall, arms at sides, knees bent, and feet planted 3 to 4 feet up wall. Exhale and peel lower and mid back off floor, keeping shoulder blades down, so body forms a nearly straight line from chest to knees.  Hold for a deep inhale, then exhale and slowly roll back down.


Windshield wipers

Next is the Windshield Wiper position.  From Wall Bridge starting position, extend legs straight up against wall so body forms an L. Inhale and slowly lower left leg down wall like a clock arm toward 9 o’clock; exhale and return to start. Repeat with right leg, sweeping toward 3 o’clock. Continue to alternate legs until you’ve completed all reps.

Toe Reaches

The third exercise utilizes the Windshield Wiper position.  These are toe reaches Return to Windshield Wipers starting position, hands on belly. Keeping abs tight and chin tucked slightly toward chest, lift head, shoulders, and upper back, reaching right hand toward left foot. Lower and repeat reaching left hand to right foot. Continue to alternate until you’ve completed all reps.



Wall Scissor

Next comes the Wall Scissor.  From Toe Reaches start position, bend knees to plant feet on wall. Peel back off floor, keeping shoulder blades down, and step feet up wall so body forms a diagonal line from feet to chest. Bend elbows and support lower back with hands; keep shoulder blades, upper arms, and head on floor. Lower left leg toward head as far as you can, keeping both legs straight and abs tight. Return to wall and lower right leg. Continue to alternate until you’ve completed all reps.


Knee Presses

Finish up with Knee Presses. Lie on back, butt against wall, knees bent, and feet planted 3 to 4 feet up wall. Peel lower and mid back off floor and cross left ankle over right knee. Squeeze butt and front of thigh to press left knee toward wall. Do 20 pulses, then lower body and repeat on opposite side.

After I was done I felt pretty proud of myself!  When I got up I realized just how much these work your legs, abs, and lower body!  For more advanced or easier ways to perform these wall exercises and for video, check out the original website here!

To veg or not to veg….

Today I watched “Forks over Knives” on Netflix. (Love Netflix!) It is an interesting documentary about how a whole food diet can improve your health.  I won’t ruin the movie for you, but it worth watching.  Anyway, I have been thinking about going pseudo-vegetarian for awhile now and this pushed me over the edge.  I am not going to be vegan only because I don’t want the kiddo eating too much soy and I need mass amount of protein.  So today I loaded up on veggies and fake meat that does not contain soy!  I am actually kind of excited about the conversion!

I realize that this isn’t a choice everyone will make and that is a-ok!  I am just curios to see how it affect my health!  I’ll keep you posted!!