Rainbows and fractures

Sorry it’s been a bit quiet on the blog front. I have been off skates for about three very long weeks since I fractured my hip during a fall at practice. I have about three weeks of off skate time left and I am aching to get back on my skates!

More on the war front:
Recently I came out to my friends and family as a lesbian. I have been married for 11 years and I have a daughter who I worked very hard to get pregnant with. However, I have not felt right in my own skin. I have known for a few years that I was interested in women.

When I joined derby, I never expected to meet a woman who I would be willing to throw away my safety net, jump on the high wire, and just start going. But then I met, we will call her DB. There was something about this woman and I knew instantly that I had some connection with her. One day at practice she flirted with me, as she does with everyone, and I knew I had to have her. Long story short, we’ve been together for almost two months.

In those two months I have rediscovered myself. It feels like there has been a damn in my mind and that damn has broken free. I want to write again. I want to make beautiful objects. I want to feel sexy and alive. The best part is, I don’t want to this for her. I want to do this for me! Sure she reaps the benefits, but I am doing it for me!

More on this topic later, but SURPRISE! this blog had been taken over by a roller derby loving, nerdy adventuring, book reading lesbian!

One thought on “Rainbows and fractures

  1. Sarah says:

    I’m so proud of you ❤ stop making me tear up over your god damn happiness! (no, not really! keep it coming!)

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