Quick update

As most everyone around has pretty much figured out, derby has taken over my life. I spend 2 hours a day, 4 days a week on the track. When I am not on the track, I’m thinking about derby. Granted some of that may be due to the fact that every time I move, I feel every muscle in my legs.

The thing I did not expect when I joined my team was the therapeutic release it would give me. When I don’t think about what I need to be doing, I skate like shit. When I overthink, I skate like shit. There is a perfect balance of thought and effort that need to be on the track.

I am currently going through a separation from my husband of 11 years. It is the best thing that could happen to is. However, you can just flip a switch in your brain and stop those feelings and thoughts. My team has helped me, supported me, and loved me every step of the way. I don’t think I could do this without them!!

Oh and parting thought…I’ve lost 15 pounds!!

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